Step inside our video library to discover the latest expert advice and useful tips for your next interior design project. All of our videos are also available to watch on our F&P Interiors YouTube Channel, where you can subscribe to keep up to date with all things interior design.
Join Emma as she creates a timeless bedroom moodboard, featuring a mixture of fun uphosltery fabrics and luxury trimmings to complement the stunning Peony Garden Wallpaper by Flora Roberts, who has just launched at F&P Interiors.
Our helpful decorating video guides include insider secrets and expert tips on how to style your home like an interior designer. From choosing the perfect paint colour, to adding those important finishing touches that will evelate your design, we are here to help you translate your dream interiors into reality
With over 30 years experience in designing stunning interiors across the globe, we join F&P Interior Director, Emma, as she creates beautiful moodboards featuring her favourite fabrics and wallpapers, to inspire your next interior project
Join us as we look through the latest fabrics and wallpaper collections from leading interiors brands and up and coming artists. Including expert styling tips featuring our favourites designs, and how we would feature them in a home
Whether your measuring for bedroom curtains, or working out how many rolls of wallpaper you need for your living room feature wall, we have created a library of easy to follow guides, to share our expert knowledge and answer all your decorating questions.