Interior Design

Discover Luxury Wallpapers at F&P Interiors

8 Apr 2021

At F&P Interiors, we search far and wide to compile our carefully curated range of luxury wallpapers. There are both classic and contemporary designs to suit every interiors style. There is an astonishing rainbow of colours and plenty of choice between beautiful patterns. These include vintage and modern designs, eclectic and traditional.

Wallpapers continue to be an in-demand asset for homes and businesses alike. Here is why wallpapers' legacy has endured.

A Brief History Of Wallpaper

Wallpaper first became available to the wider population during the Victorian era. Thanks to new production methods, they were easier to make and more readily available. This boom saw Britain become a hub of production.

Since that time, wallpaper has continued to be a mainstay of interior design. This is in no small part due to its durability. Wallpaper can last up to three times as long as paint. It's also the ideal fix for imperfect walls when hung correctly.

The greatest appeal, however, is the variety of patterns. Traditional prints such as floral wallpaperToile de Jouy wallpaper and bird-print wallpaper are still popular today. They've also been re-printed and re-imagined.

Plus, there is a myriad of new designs that have captured imaginations with every pattern and colour imaginable. There is now a luxury wallpaper to fit every taste and interior.

Contemporary Luxury Wallpaper

Since the Victorian era, there have been many more advancements in the creation of wallpaper. This includes the printing methods, finishes and materials used. Here are three types of modern wallpapers that have taken luxury to the next level.

Three Types of Modern Wallpapers

Wide-width wallpapers offer the opportunity to add a large design to interiors. They are ideal for using with high ceilings and in hallways as well as a great way to update grand spaces or add pattern to modern interiors.

Mural wallpapers can be printed to fit walls. Digital printing methods mean a pattern can be moved around doors or furniture. Whether used as a feature wall or all around a room, the result is perfectly styled contemporary interiors.

Textured wallpapers are the most durable designs that create depth in contemporary interiors. They can even be used for contract use in hotels, bars and restaurants. They also work wonderfully in stylish homes.

Eco-friendly Wallpaper

As the world is becoming more environmentally conscious, many brands are doing the same. Wallpaper is already longer-lasting than paint, making it a natural choice for sustainable interiors.

Many brands have now adopted eco-friendly approaches to production. This includes offsetting emissions, protecting surrounding land and water as well as considering the materials used.

There are more printed-to-order wallpapers than ever, which means that producers do not have excess materials in their stores that may go to waste. Then there are biodegradable and recyclable papers. Plus, many have started using inks that are environmentally friendly, too.

Modern luxury wallpapers also provide even more benefits. Textured and vinyl wallpapers, for example, last even longer, while mural wallpapers offer less waste for the customer when they are printed to fit a room's exact measurements.

This has made luxury wallpapers a coveted addition to all types of interiors. It's great to see so many making these moves and changes.

Luxury Wallpaper Brands

There is an extensive selection of luxury wallpaper designers to pick from. Each brand has its own personal style and even colour palette.

Both big and small, international and home-grown, these designers provide fantastic motifs to use in interiors. Here are just some of the brands that we are championing at F&P Interiors.

British Heritage Brands

Around The Globe

Independent Brands

How Customers Used Luxury Wallpapers

At F&P Interiors, we love receiving images from happy customers. Here are some of the ways our clients have used luxury wallpapers in their homes.

Floral Bathroom WallpaperFloral Bathroom Wallpaper

This Honshu Wallpaper is perfect for making a statement in a small bathroom.

Luxury WallpaperLuxury Wallpaper

After years of searching for the perfect bedroom wallpaper, this customer found us and Kyoto.

Morris & Co WallpaperMorris & Co Wallpaper

This charming cottage bedroom has been brought to life by the Bramble heritage print.

Luxury Mural WallpaperLuxury Mural Wallpaper

Garzas Mural was custom printed with the birds positioned to complement the space.

Luxury WallpaperLuxury Wallpaper

Anemone Wallpaper creates a amazing feature in this bedroom above the fireplace.

Peacock Mural WallpaperPeacock Mural Wallpaper

Edo is a glorious gold mural that stands out brilliantly as a feature against the dark paint.

Shop Our Most Popular Luxury Wallpapers

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